
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THYSDRUS(Θύσδρος, Ptol. 4.3.39), the oppidum Tusdritanum or Thysdritanum of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.4. s. 4), a city of Byzacium, in the Roman province of Africa, lying midway between Thenae and Thapsus, and west of the promontory Brachodes. It was here that the emperor Gordianus first set up the standard of rebellion against Maximin (Herodian. 7.4, seq.; Capitol. Gord. 100.7, seq.), and it was from him, probably, that it derived its title of a Roman colony. We find the name variously written, as Tusdra, by Hirtius or whoever was the author of the history of the African War ( B. Afr. 26, 27, &c.), and Tusdrus, in the Itin. Ant. (p. 59). Now El Jemmeor Legem, with extensive ruins, especially of a fine amphitheatre in a tolerably perfect state. (Shaw, Travels, vol. 1. p. 220, sqq.)