
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TIBERIACUM in North Gallia, is placed in the Antonine Itin. between Juliacum ( Juliers) and Colonia Agrippina ( Cologne), viii. from Juliacum and x. from Colonia. D'Anville and others fix Tiberiacum at Berghem, at the passage of the river Erfft, which flows between Juliersand Cologne. Others place Tiberiacum at Tarren, south of Berghem, where the bridge is. D'Anville adds that a place situated in the direction between Juliersand Berghemis called Stein-Stras, that is to say, Lapidea Strata ( Stone Street), just as in our provinces they say Chemin Perré. (D'Anville, Notice, &c.Ukert, Gallien, p. 544.)