
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TIBISCUS(Τίβισκος, Ptol. 3.8.1), a tributary river of the Danube in Dacia. We also find it called Tibissus ( Inscr. Grut. p. 448. 3) and Tibisia (Geogr. Rav. 4.14). Several authors identify it with the Tisianus or Tysia (the modern Theiss), with which, indeed, Ptolemy seems to have confounded it, as he does not mention the latter (Mannert, 4. p. 203; Sickler, 1. p. 196; cf. Ukert, 3.2. p. 603). But Forbiger, after Reichard, identifies it with the Temesz;his grounds for that opinion being that Jornandes ( Get. 100.34) and the Geographer of Ravenna (l. c.) mention the Tysia and Tibisia as two distinct rivers, and that the site of the ancient town of Tibiscum appears to point to the Donesz( Handb. d. alt. Geogr. 3. p. 1103, note). It is probable that the Pathissus of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.12. s. 25) and Parthiscus of Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 17.13.4) are the same river, though some identify them with the Tisianus.