
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TIBULA(Τιβουλα, Ptol.), a town of Sardinia, near the N. extremity of the island, which appears to have been the customary landing-place for travellers coming from Corsica; for which reason the Itineraries give no less than four lines of route, taking their departure from Tibula as a starting-point. ( Itin. Ant. pp. 78—83.) It is very unfortunate therefore that its position is a matter of great uncertainty. That assigned to it by Ptolemy would place it on the site of Castel Sardoon the N. coast of the island, and only about 18 miles from Porto Torres, but this is wholly incompatible with the statements of the Itineraries, and must certainly be erroneous. Indeed Ptolemy himself places the Tibulates, or Tibulatii (Τιβουλάτιοι), who must have been closely connected with the town of that name, in the extreme N. of the island (Ptol. 3.3.6), and all the data derived from the Itineraries concur in the same result. The most probable position is, therefore, that assigned it by De la Marmora, who fixes it on the port or small bay called Porto di Lungo Sardo, almost close to the northernmost point of the island, the Errebantium Prom. of Ptolemy. (De la Marmora, Voy. en Sarsdaigne, vol. ii. pp. 421—432, where the whole question is fully examined and discussed.)