
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TI´NIA(Τενέας: Timia), a small river of Umbria, falling into the Tiber, a few miles below Perusia. The name is given by the ancient geographers to the affluent of the Tiber (one of the first tributaries which that river receives), but at the present day the stream called the Timialoses its name after its junction with the Topino, a more considerable stream. Four small rivers indeed bring down their united waters to the Tiber at this point: 1, the Maroggia, which rises between Todiand Spoleto, and brings with it the waters of the Clitunno, the ancient CLITUANUS;2, the Timia, which joins the Clitumnus near Mevania ( Bevagna); 3, the Topino, which descends from the Apennines near Nocera, and turns abruptly to the NW., after receiving the waters of the Timia;and 4, the Chiascio, which joins the Topinofrom the N. only 3 miles from the point where it falls into the Tiber. Though thus augmented from various quarters the Tinia was always an inconsiderable stream. Pliny speaks of it as navigable with difficulty even for boats, and Silius Italicus calls it Tiniae inglorius humor.(Sil. Ital.; Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 9; Strab. 5. p. 227.)