
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TI´SIA(Τισία: Eth. Τισιάτης), a town of the Bruttii, mentioned by Appian in his account of the operations of Hannibal in that country. It had been occupied by that general with a Carthaginian garrison, but was betrayed by one of the citizens into the hands of the Romans, who held it for a short time, but it was soon recovered by Hannibal. (Appian, App. Hann. 44.) It is probably the same place which is called Isia by Diodorus, from whom we learn that it was besieged without success by the leaders of the Italian forces during the Social War. (Diod. xxxvii. Exc. Phot. p. 240.) On both occasions it appears as a strong fortress, situated apparently in the neighbourhood of Rhegium; but no other mention is found of the city, which is not noticed by any of the geographers, and must probably have ceased to exist, like so many of the smaller towns of Bruttium. The name is, however, found in Stephanus of Byzantium, who confirms the correctness of the form Tibia, found in Appian. (Steph. B. s. v.) Its site is wholly uncertain.