
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Οὐλπιανόν,Ptol. 3.9.6), called also ULPIANA(Οὐλπιανά, Hierocl. p. 656), a town of Upper Moesia on the southern declivity of Mt. Scomius. It was enlarged and adorned by Justinian, whence it obtained the name of Justiniana Secunda. (Procop. de Aed. 4.1, Goth. 4.25.) It is commonly identified with the present Giustendil;but Leake ( Northern Greece, 3. p. 475) takes that town to represent the ancient Pantalia or Pautalia in Thrace.

2. A place in Dacia, apparently in the neighbourhood of Klausenburg. (Ptol. 3.8.7.) [T.H.D]