
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

URSO(Οὔρσων, Strab. 3. p. 141), a strong mountain town in Hispania Baetica, the last refuge of the Pompeians. It was a Roman colony, with the surname of Genua Urbanorum, and was under the jurisdiction of Astigi. (Plin. Nat. 3.1. s 3; Hirt. B. H. 26. 41, 65; Appian, B. H. 16.) It is the modern Osuña, where some inscriptions and ruins have been found. (Cf. Muratori, p. 1095; Florez, Esp. Sagr. 10. p. 77.) For coins of Urso, see Florez, Med. 2. p. 624, 3. p. 130; Mionnet, 1. p. 28, Suppl. 1. p. 47; Sestini, p. 94. COIN OF URSO.