
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

U´XII(Οὔξιοι, Arrian, Anab. 3.17; Strab. 11. p. 524, xv. pp. 729, 744), a tribe of ancient Persis, who lived on the northern borders of that province between Persis and Susiana, to the E. of the Pasitigris and to the W. of the Oroatis. They were visited by Alexander the Great on his way from Susa; and their capital town, Uxia (Strab. 15. p. 744), was the scene of a celebrated siege, the details of which are given by Arrian and Curtius. It has been a matter of considerable discussion where this city was situated. The whole question has been carefully examined by the Baron de Bode, who has personally visited the localities he describes. ( Geogr. Journ. xiii. pp. 108—110.) He thinks Uxia is at present represented by the ruins near Shikaftohi-Suleimánin the BakhtyariMountains, to the E. of Shuster.