
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VETTONA( Eth. Vettonensis: Bettona), a municipal town of Umbria, situated about 5 miles E. of the Tiber, between Perusia and Mevania. It is mentioned by Pliny among the municipalities of Umbria, and its name is found also in an inscription among the xv Populi Umbriae;while another mentions it in connection with Perusia, from which it was only about 10 miles distant, as measured on the map, though the Tabula calls it 14 miles from that city and 20 from Tuder. (Plin. Nat. 3.14. s. 19; Orell. Inscr. 95, 98: Tab. Peut. ) Vettona continued in the middle ages to be a city of considerable importance, but it was destroyed by the Perugians in 1352. The ancient site is, however, still marked by the village of Bettona, about a mile from the left bank of the Tinia.