
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VIMINA´CIUM(Οὐιμινάκιον, Ptol. 3.9.3), an important town of Moesia Superior, lying somewhat E. of the mouth of the Margus, and connected with Constantinople by a highroad which passed through Naissus. ( Itin. Ant. p. 133; Itin. Hierosol. p. 564.) It was the head-quarters of the Legio VII.Claudia. ( Ib.;cf. Eutrop. 9.13; Procop. de Aed. 4.6. p. 287; Theophyl. 1.5, 8.12, &c.) By the later Greeks the name is written Βιμινάκιον.Variously identified with Ramor Rama, and Kostolacz. (Cf. Marsili, Danub. 2. p. 10; Mannert, 7. p. 78.)