
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VINDALUM or VINDALIUM(Οὐίνδαλον), in Gallia Narbonensis, a place where Domitius Ahenobarbus defeated the Allobroges, B.C. 121. [GALLIA TRANSALPINAV ol. 1. p. 954.] Strabo (4. p. 185) says that Vindalum is at the confluence of the Sulgas [SULGAS] and the Rhône. Florus (Flor. 3.2) names this river Vindalicus or Vindelicus. The Sulgas is the Sorgue. D'Anville, relying, as he often does, on a mere resemblance of name, would place Vindalium at Vedene, which is about a mile from the junction of the Sorgueand the Rhône. Others would place Vindalium at Port de la Traille, the place where the Sorguejoins the Rhône.