
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VIROVIACUM in Gallia,in the Table, Virovinum, is placed on a route from Castellum ( Cassel) to Turnacum ( Tournay). The Antonine Itinerary fixes it xvi. from each place. The distances in the Table do not agree; but the site is certain. It is Werwicor Verwick, a large village on the Lys, 3 leagues from Lillein the French department of Nord. In 1514 a medal of C. Julius Caesar was dug up at Werwic, and some time afterwards other medals of the time of the Antonini. There is a tradition also of the remains of an ancient edifice having been seen here, and a fragment of a statue (Bast, Recueil d'Antiquités Romaines et Gauloises trouvées dans la Flandre proprement dite, Gand, 1804.)