
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

XY´NIA or XY´NIAE(Ξυνία: Eth. Ξυνιεύς), a town near the southern confines of Thessaly, and the district of the Aenianes (Liv. 33.3), which gave its name to the lake Xynias (Ξυνίας), which Stephanus confounds with the Boebeis (Apollon. 1.67; Catull. 63.287; Steph. B. s. v. Ξυνία). Xynia, having been deserted by its inhabitants, was plundered by the Aetolians in B.C. 198 (Liv. 32.13). In the following year Flamininus arrived at this place in three days' march from Heraclea (Liv. 33.3; comp. Liv. 39.26). The lake of Xynias is now called Tauklí, and is described as 6 miles in circumference. The site of the ancient city is marked by some remains of ruined edifices upon a promontory or peninsula in the lake. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 460, vol. 4. p. 517.)