
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose

or bill, on the pump at aldgate

A bad or false bill of exchange.

See aldgate.

Related Words

  • Draught

    ·noun ·see <<Draft>>, ·noun, 7. II. Draught ·noun That which draws. III. Draught ·noun That which ...

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  • draught

    , or draft. The depth of water a ship displaces, or of a body of fluid necessary to float a vessel...

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  • Draught-house

    (2 Kings 10:27). Jehu ordered the temple of Baal to be destroyed, and the place to be converted to t...

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  • draught-hooks

    Iron hooks fixed on the cheeks of a gun-carriage for dragging the gun along by draught-ropes. ...

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  • easy draught

    The same as light draught of water (which see). ...

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  • sheer-draught

    In ship-building, a section supposed to be cut by a plane passing through the middle line of the kee...

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  • light water-draught

    The depth of water which a vessel draws when she is empty, or nearly so. ...

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