·adj Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A colored woman; a negress.
II. Wench ·noun A young woman; a girl; a maiden.
III. Wench ·nou...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In the United States, this word is only applied to black females.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
·adj Having (such) a nature, temper, or disposition; disposed;
— used in composition; as, good-natu...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adv <<Through>>.
II. Thorough ·prep <<Through>>.
III. Thorough ·adv <<Thoroughly>>.
IV. Thorough...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·vt To make good; to turn to good.
II. Good ·superl Not lacking or deficient; full; complete.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
athanasian wench
A forward girl, ready to oblige every man that shall ask her.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
·adj Well-disposed.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Intractable; not yielding to culture.
II. Ill-natured ·adj Dictated by, or indicating, ill nat...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Good-natured; kind.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Thorough bass
·- The representation of chords by figures placed under the base; figured bass; basso continuo;
— s...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A leather strap supporting the body of a carriage, and attached to springs, or serving as a sp...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Provided with thorough lights or windows at opposite sides, as a room or building.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
thorough churchman
A person who goes in at one door of a church, and out at the other, without stopping.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
thorough cough
Coughing and breaking wind backwards at the same time.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
thorough stitch
To go thorough stitch; to stick at nothing; over shoes, over boots.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
See thorough-puts
The Sailor's Word-Book
, or thorough-foots
, are kinks or tangles in a rope; or parts of a tackle not leading fair by rea...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Good now
·- An exclamation of wonder, surprise, or entreaty.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
(·noun / ·interj) ·Alt. of Good-bye.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
(·noun / ·interj) Farewell; a form of address used at parting. ·see the last Note under By, ·prep
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·interj A form of salutation.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun Agreeable companionship; companionableness.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Having a cheerful spirit and demeanor; good-tempered. ·see Good-natured.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adv With a cheerful spirit; in a cheerful or good-tempered manner.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj <<Handsome>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adv With maldness of temper.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·adj Having a good temper; not easily vexed. ·see Good-natured.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Works, Good
The old objection against the doctrine of salvation by grace, that it does away with the necessity o...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
good man
A word of various imports, according to the place where it is spoken: in the city it means a rich ma...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
good woman
A nondescript, represented on a famous sign in St. Giles's, in the form of a common woman. but witho...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
good luck
To tread in a surreverence, to be bewrayed: an allusion to the proverb, Sh-tt-n luck is good luck.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
good stroke
Used in the sense of considerable; as, 'a good stroke of business.'--Brockett's North County Words.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
yest. Norf. and Suff.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
yeast. Norf.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
a holiday. Staffordsh.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
good to
good for. He's nought good to : spoken of a good-for-nothing man.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
prime good
excellent. North.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
good reward
a ruddy countenance. N.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
good men
The designation of the able, hard-working, and willing seamen.
The Sailor's Word-Book
good shoaling
An approach to the shore by very gradual soundings.
The Sailor's Word-Book
short-heeled wench
A girl apt to fall on her back.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
thorough go nimble
A looseness, a violent purging.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
mark, a good
Australian slang.
1845. R. Howitt, `Australia,' p. 233:
«I wondered often what was the meaning of ...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
by good rights
By right, by strict justice; as, "By good rights Mr. Clay ought to be President of the United States...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
good-conduct badge
Marked by a chevron on the lower part of the sleeve, granted by the admiralty, and carrying a slight...
The Sailor's Word-Book
as good as go
In the phrase, I'd as good's go to New York, instead of "I might as well go to New York." "I'd as go...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
Practical in every particular.
The Sailor's Word-Book
hold on, good sticks!
An apostrophe often made when the masts complain in a fresh squall, or are over-pressed, and it is u...
The Sailor's Word-Book
keeping a good offing
To keep well off shore while under sail, so as to be clear of danger should the wind suddenly shift ...
The Sailor's Word-Book
make a good board
See board.
The Sailor's Word-Book
hold a good wind, to
To have weatherly qualities.
The Sailor's Word-Book
king's bargain: good or bad
; said of a seaman according to his activity and merit, or sloth and demerit.
The Sailor's Word-Book
keep a good hold of the land
Is to hug it as near as it can safely be done.
The Sailor's Word-Book
Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Stood in the midst of the garden of Eden, beside the tree of life (Gen. 2, 3). Adam and Eve were for...
Easton's Bible Dictionary