
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

dis- or dī- praep., inseparable

DVA-, disbefore c, p, q, s, t , dī- before d, g, l, m, n, r , and v (but usu. dimminuō, sometimes disrumpo), dif- before fBefore a vowel dis- becomes dir-; before i consonant, sometimes dī, sometimes dis-. Iacio makes dīsiciō or dissiciō.— Asunder, apart, away, in different directions ; see diffindo, discedo, dimitto, divido, etc.— Between, among, through ; see dinosco, diiudico, diligo, etc.—Fig., not, un - (reversing or negativing the primitive); see diffido, displiceo, dissuadeo, etc.— Exceedingly, utterly ; see differtus, dilaudo, dispereo.