- Wilkins, John
- Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner
- William of Malmesbury
- William of Newburgh, or Newbury
- Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury
- Willis, Browne
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker
- Wills, James
- Wills, William Gorman
- Wilson, Alexander
- Wilson, Sir Daniel
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wingate, David
- Winthrop, Theodore
- Wither, George
- Wodrow, Robert
- Wolcot, John
- Wolfe, Charles
- Wood, or À Wood, Anthony
- Wood, Mrs. Ellen (Price)
- Wood, John George
- Woolman, John
- Woolner, Thomas
- Wordsworth, Christopher
- Wordsworth, Dorothy
- Wordsworth, William
- Wotton, Sir Henry
- Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William
- Wright, Thomas
- Wyatt, Sir Thomas
- Wycherley, William
- Wyntoun, Andrew of
- Yalden, Thomas
- Yates, Edmund
- Yonge, Charlotte Mary
- Young, Arthur
- Young, Edward
- Abbott, Rev. Edwin Abbott
- Allen, James Lane
- Anson, Sir William Reynell
- Anstey, F.
- Arber, Edward
- Archer, William
- Arnim, Countess von (Beauchamp)
- Ashton, John
- Austin, Alfred
- Avebury, John Lubbock, 1St Lord
- Bagot, Richard
- Balfour, Right Hon. Arthur James
- Ball, Sir Robert Stawell
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- Barrie, James Matthew
- Barry, Rev. William (Francis)
- Battersby, Harry Francis Prevost ("Francis Prevost")
- Bax, Ernest Belfort
- Beazley, Charles Raymond
- Becke, George Louis
- Beeching, Rev. Henry Charles
- Beerbohm, Max
- Beesly, Edward Spencer
- Bell, Henry Thomas Mackenzie
- Belloc, Hilaire
- Bennett, Enoch Arnold
- Benson, Arthur Christopher
- Benson, Edward Frederic
- Berdoe, Edward
- Berenson, Bernhard
- Besant, Mrs. Annie
- Binyon, Laurence
- Birrell, Augustine
- Blaikie, John Arthur
- Bland, Mrs. Hubert ("E. Nesbit")
- Bloundelle-Burton, John Edward
- Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
- Boas, Frederick S.
- Bodley, John Edward Courtenay
- "Boldrewood, Rolf"
- Bourdillon, F.W.
- Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
- Bradley, Andrew Cecil
- Bradley, Francis Herbert
- Bridges, Robert
- Brooke, Rev. Stopford Augustus
- Broughton, Rhoda
- Brown, Peter Hume
- Browne, Thomas Alexander
- Browning, Oscar
- Bryce, Right Hon. James
- Buchan, John
- Budge, Ernest A. Wallis
- Bullen, Arthur Henry
- Bullen, Frank Thomas
- Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley
- Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson
- Bury, John B.
- Butcher, Samuel Henry
- Butler, Sir William Francis
- Cable, George Washington
- Caine, Hall