- break
- breakage
- break-beams
- break-bulk
- breakers
- break-ground
- breaking
- breaking liberty
- breaking of a gale
- breaking-plate distance
- breaking the ey
- breaking-up of the monsoon
- break-off
- break-sheer, to
- break-up, to
- break-water
- bream
- breaming
- breast, to
- breast-backstays
- breast-beams
- breast-fast
- breast-gaskets
- breast-hooks
- breast-rail
- breast-rope
- breast-work
- breather
- breath of wind
- breeching
- breeching-bolt
- breech-loader
- breech of a cannon
- breech-sight
- breeze
- breeze, sea or land
- breeze, to kick up a
- breezing up
- breezo
- brevet
- brewing
- bricklayer's clerk
- bridge
- bridge-islet
- bridge-train
- bridle
- bridle-port
- bridles
- brig
- brigade
- brigade-major
- brigade-orders
- brigadier
- brigandine
- brigantine
- brigants
- brigdie
- bright look-out
- brig-schooner
- brill
- brim
- brimstone
- pickle
- brine
- brine-gauge
- brine-pumps
- bring by the lee, to
- bring 'em near
- bringers up
- bring home the anchor, to
- bringing in
- bringing-to the yard
- bring-to, to
- bring-to an anchor, to
- bring up, to
- bring up with a round turn
- brisas
- brismak
- bristol fashion and ship-shape
- british-built ship
- british seas
- british ship
- british subject
- brittle-star
- broach a business, to
- broach-to, to
- broad arrow
- broad axe
- broad cloth
- broad of water
- broad pennant
- broad r.
- broads
- broadside
- broadside-on
- broadside weight of metal
- broadsword
- brocage
- brocles
- brodie