- eating the wind out of a vessel
- eaver
- ebb
- ebb, line of
- ebber-shore
- ebber
- ebb-tide
- ebony
- echelon
- echinus
- eclipse
- ecliptic
- ecliptic conjunction
- ecliptic limits
- economy
- eddy
- eddy-tide
- eddy-wind
- edge away, to
- edge down, to
- edging of plank
- eduction pipe
- eeast
- eeking
- eel
- eeler
- eel-fares
- eel-grass
- eel-pout
- eel-skuyt
- eel-spear
- effective
- effects
- effluent
- egg, to
- eggs
- port egmont fowls
- egmont
- egress
- egyptian herring
- eider duck
- eighen
- eilet-hole
- ejectamenta maris
- eke, to
- ekeing
- elbow
- elbow-grease
- elbow in the hawse
- eldest
- elements
- elephanter
- elephant-fish
- elevate!
- elevated pole
- elevation, in ship-building
- elevation, angle of
- elger
- eligugs
- elite
- elleck
- elliot-eye
- ellipse
- elmo's fire, st.
- elongation
- elvers
- embargo
- embark, to
- embarkation
- embarment
- embarras
- embattle
- embattled
- embedded
- ember-goose
- embezzlement
- embouchure
- embrasures
- emeralders
- emergency
- emersion
- eminence
- emissary
- emprise
- emptions
- empty
- empty bastion
- empty bottle
- encampment
- enceinte
- encircling reefs
- encounter
- endanger, to
- endecagon
- endelong
- end for end
- end of a trench
- end-on
- enemy
- enfield rifle