- combers
- combers, grass
- combing the cat
- combing sea
- combustion
- come no near!
- coming-home
- comity
- command
- commandant
- commander
- commander-in-chief
- command-of-mind men
- commeatus
- commerce
- commercial code of signals
- commissariat
- commissary
- commission
- commissioned officers
- commissioners, lords, of the admiralty
- commissioners of customs
- commissioners of the navy
- commit one's self, to
- commodore
- communication
- commute, to
- companion
- companion-ladder
- companion-way
- company
- comparative rank
- comparison watch
- compartment bulk-heads
- compasant
- compass
- compass, to
- compassing
- compassionate allowances
- compass-saw
- compass-timbers
- compensation
- compensator of the compass
- complain, to
- complement
- complement of longitude
- complete book
- compliment, to
- compo
- composition nails
- compound
- comprador
- compress
- compression of the poles
- compressor
- compressor-stopper
- compromise
- comptroller of the customs
- comptroller of the navy
- comrade
- suppressio veri
- concealment
- concentrated fire
- conch
- conchs
- concluding-line
- condemnation
- condemned
- condenser
- conder
- conditions
- conduct-list
- conduct-money
- conductor
- cone
- cone-buoy
- coney-fish
- configuration
- confinement
- confirmed rank
- conflict
- confluents
- conger
- congreve-rocket
- conical tops of mountains
- conic sections
- conjee
- conjugate axis
- conjunction
- cun
- conn
- con
- connecting-rod
- connings
- conquer, to
- conscription
- consecration of colours
- consign, to
- consignee
- consignment