
The Sailor's Word-Book

The exercise of those functions which belong to the service, and are carried out from the highest to the lowest.

Related Words

  • Duty

    ·noun That which is due; payment. II. Duty ·noun Respect; reverence; regard; act of respect; homage...

    Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

  • algier duty

    An imposition laid on merchants' goods by the Long Parliament, for the redemption of captives in the...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • dockyard duty

    The attendance of a lieutenant and party in the arsenal, for stowing, procuring stores, &c. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • off duty

    An officer, marine, or seaman in his watch below, &c. An officer is sometimes put "off duty" as a pu...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • carrying on duty

    The operations of the officer in charge of the deck or watch. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • detail of duty

    The captain's night orders. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • fit for duty

    In an effective state for service. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • harbour-duty men

    Riggers, leading men, and others, ordered to perform the dockyard or port duties, too often superann...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • cowardice, and desertion of duty in fight

    Are criminal by law, even in the crew of a merchant-ship. Such poltroonery is very rare. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • england expects every man will do his duty

    This is introduced into a naval vocabulary, not as wanting explanation, but that in recording the mo...

    The Sailor's Word-Book