- fair-leader
- fair-maid
- fair-way
- fair-weather
- fake
- falcon
- falconet
- falk
- fall
- fall, to
- fall aboard of, to
- fall! a fall!
- fall astern, to
- fall back, to
- fall calm, to
- fall cloud
- fall down, to
- fallen-star
- fall foul of, to
- fall in, to
- falling glass
- falling home
- falling off
- falling out
- falling stars
- ebb of tide
- falling tide
- fall in with, to
- fall of tide
- fall out, to
- falls
- fall-wind
- falmadair
- false alarm
- false attack
- false colours
- false fire, blue flames
- false keel
- kelson ride
- false kelson
- false muster
- false papers
- false post
- false rail
- false stem
- false stern
- false stern-post
- family-head
- famlagh
- fanal
- fancy-line
- fane
- fang, to
- fangs
- fanions
- fannag-varry
- fanning
- fanning-breeze
- fantods
- fardage
- fare
- fare-crofts
- farrane
- farthel
- fascines
- fash
- fashion-pieces
- faskidar
- fast
- fast aground
- fast and loose
- fastenings
- fastness
- fast sailer
- fast staying
- fat
- father
- father-lasher
- fathom
- fathom-wood
- fatigue-party
- faulcon
- faun
- faussebraye
- favour, to
- fay, to
- fay fena
- fealty
- fearn
- fear-nought
- feather
- feather, to cut a
- feather an oar, to
- feather-edged
- feathering-paddles
- feather-spray
- feather-star
- feaze, to
- feazings
- fecket