A cord, or piece of plaited stuff, to secure furled sails to the yard, by wrapping it three or four times round both, the turns being at a competent distance from each other.
♦ Bunt-gasket ties up the bunt of the sail, and should consequently be the strongest; it is sometimes made in a peculiar net form. In some ships they have given place to beckets.
♦ Double gaskets. Passing additional frapping-lines round the yards in very stormy weather.
♦ Quarter-gasket. Used only for large sails, and is fastened about half-way out upon the yard, which part is called the quarter.
♦ Yard-arm gasket. Used for smaller sails; the end is made fast to the yard-arm, and serves to bind the sail as far as the quarter-gasket on large yards, but extends quite into the bunt of small sails.