- herring-buss
- herring-cob
- herring-gutted
- herring-hog
- herring-pond
- heterodromous levers
- heteroplon
- hettle
- heugh
- hexagon
- heys-and-how
- hidden harbour
- hide, to
- hie, to
- hie aloft
- high
- high-and-dry
- high enough
- high flood
- high latitudes
- high tide
- high-water
- high-water mark
- high wind
- higre
- hike
- hike up, to
- hill
- hillock
- hilt
- hind-castle
- hippagines
- hipping-stones
- hipper
- hippocampus
- hippodames
- hipsy
- hire, to
- hirecano
- hirst
- hitch
- hitcher
- hay!
- ho!
- hoaky
- hoam
- hoastmen
- hoy!
- hoay
- hob-a-nob
- hobble
- hobbler
- hobits
- hobrin
- hoc
- hock-saw
- hod
- hoddy-doddy
- hodmadods
- hodmandods
- hodometrical
- hoe
- homer
- hoe-mother
- hoe-tusk
- hog
- hog-boat
- hogged
- hog-in-armour
- hogo
- hoise
- hoist
- hoise, to
- hoist, to
- hoisting-tackle
- hoisting the flag
- hoisting the pendant
- hold
- hold a good wind, to
- hold-all
- hold-beams
- holders
- hold-fast
- holding-on
- holding on the slack
- holding water
- hold off
- hold on
- hold on, good sticks!
- hold-stanchions
- hold up, to
- hole
- holeber
- holes, eyelet
- holiday
- hollands
- hollards
- hollebut
- holla
- holloa