- farthel
- fascines
- fash
- fashion-pieces
- faskidar
- fast
- fast aground
- fast and loose
- fastenings
- fastness
- fast sailer
- fast staying
- fat
- father
- father-lasher
- fathom
- fathom-wood
- fatigue-party
- faulcon
- faun
- faussebraye
- favour, to
- fay, to
- fay fena
- fealty
- fearn
- fear-nought
- feather
- feather, to cut a
- feather an oar, to
- feather-edged
- feathering-paddles
- feather-spray
- feather-star
- feaze, to
- feazings
- fecket
- feckless
- feeder
- feeding-gale
- feeding-part of a tackle
- feed of grass
- feed-pump
- feed-water
- feel the helm, to
- feint
- fell, to
- fell-head
- fell in with
- felloes
- fellow
- fells
- felt
- felucca
- fen
- fence
- fencibles
- fencing
- fender bolts
- fend
- fender-piles
- fenders
- fend off, to
- fernan bag
- ferrara
- ferriage
- ferry
- ferry-boats
- fetch, to
- fetch head-way
- fetching the pump
- fetch of a gulf
- fetch of a bay or gulf
- fetch way, to
- fettle, to
- feu-de-joie
- fez
- f.g.
- fichant
- fid
- fidded
- fiddle
- fiddle-block
- fiddle-fish
- fiddle-head
- fide jussors
- fidler
- fidler's green
- field
- field-allowance
- field-artillery
- field-day
- field-fortification
- field-glass
- field-gun
- field-ice
- field-marshal
- field-officers
- field of view
- field-pieces