
The Sailor's Word-Book

, haulyards

The ropes or tackles usually employed to hoist or lower any sail upon its respective yards, gaffs, or stay, except the cross-jack and spritsail-yard, which are always slung; but in small craft the spritsail-yard also has halliards. (See jeers.)

Related Words

  • gaff-halliards

    See halliards. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • peak halliards

    The ropes or tackles by which the outer end of a gaff is hoisted, as opposed to the throat-halliards...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • throat-halliards

    Ropes or tackles applied to hoist the inner part of the gaff, and its portion of the sail, and hook ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book