Related Words
n. sometimes called the Red-kneedDottrel, Charadrius ruftveniris, formerly Erythrogonys cinctus, Go...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
Naturally grown timber, or bars of iron, bent to a right angle, or to fit the surfaces, and to secure bodies firmly together, as hanging knees secure the deck-beams to the sides. They are divided into hanging-knees, diagonal hanging-knees, lodging-knees or deck-beam knees, transom-knees, helm-post transom-knees, wing transom-knees (which see).
n. sometimes called the Red-kneedDottrel, Charadrius ruftveniris, formerly Erythrogonys cinctus, Go...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris