Related Words
a long pole with a hook at the end of it, used for pulling down dead branches of trees. Glou. ...
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
A sail used in boats and small vessels. It is in form like a gaff-sail, but depends entirely on the rope of the luff for its stability. The yard is two-thirds of the breadth at foot, and is slung at one-fourth from the luff. On the mast is an iron hoop or traveller, to which it is hoisted. The tack may be to windward, or at the heel of the mast amidships. It is powerful, but has the inconvenience of requiring to be lowered and shifted on the mast at every tack, unless the tack be secured amidships. Much used in the barca-longa, navigated by the Spaniards.
a long pole with a hook at the end of it, used for pulling down dead branches of trees. Glou. ...
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose