A thick and strong mat formed by interweaving sinnet or strands of rope as close as possible; it is fastened on the outside of the yards or rigging, to prevent their chafing.
·vt To stuff with food. II. Paunch ·noun A paunch mat; — called also panch. III. Paunch ·noun The...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
The belly. Some think paunch was the original name of that facetious prince of puppets, now called M...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
·vt To cover or lay with mats. II. Mat ·adj Cast down; dejected; overthrown; slain. III. Mat ·vi T...
To prevent chafing, a thick mat is woven from strands of old rope, spun yarn, or foxes, containing e...
The Sailor's Word-Book
·- Any bryozoan of the genus Flustra or allied genera which form frondlike corals. ...
See paunch-mat. ...
A mat made with shoulders to protect the laniards of the lower rigging, boats' gripes, &c., and work...
A small mat faced with rope-yarn or spun yarn, which is used in a vessel's rigging to prevent chafin...