- ready with the lead!
- real
- realillo
- reem out, to
- ream or reem out, to
- reaming
- rear
- rear-admiral
- rear-guard
- rearing
- rear-rank
- rear-ship
- re-assemble
- reasty
- reavel
- reballing
- rebate
- rebates
- rebels
- receivers of droits of admiralty
- receivers of wreck
- receiving-ship
- reciprocate
- reciprocity
- reckoning, ship's
- recoil
- reconnaissance
- reconnoitring
- recreant
- recta prisa regis
- rectifier
- redan
- redd
- redd-fish
- redemptioner
- redhibition
- red-hot balls
- redoubt
- red pine
- reduce, to
- reduce a charge, to
- reduce a place, to
- reduction of celestial observations
- reef
- reef-band
- reef-cringles
- reef-earings
- reefed top-mast
- reefers
- reef-knot
- reef-line
- reef-pendant
- reef-points
- reef-tackles
- reef-tackle span
- reels
- reeming
- reeming-beetle
- reeming-iron
- re-entering angle
- reeve, to
- reeving
- refitting
- reflecting circle
- reflection, angle of
- reflux
- reformades
- refracting telescope
- refraction
- refusal of a pile
- regal fishes
- regarders
- regatta
- regiment
- regimental orders
- regimentals
- regimental staff-officers
- region
- register
- register anew
- register of vice-admiralty court
- register ship
- registry of seamen
- regni populi
- regulator
- regulus
- reigning winds
- rein
- reinforce, to
- reinforce
- re-insurance
- reis
- relief
- relieve, to
- relieving tackles
- reume
- rema
- remain
- remark-book
- remberge