- suck the monkey, to
- suction
- sufferance
- sufferance wharf
- suffolk bang
- sugar-loaf
- sugar-loaf sea
- sugg, to
- suit of sails
- sullage
- sullit
- sulphur
- summer-blink
- summer couts
- summer solstice
- sump
- sumpit
- sun
- sun and moon in distance
- sunday
- sun-fish
- sunken rock
- sunk land
- sun-star
- superannuated
- super-cargo
- super-heated
- super-heater
- superior conjunction
- superior planets
- superior slope
- supernatant part of a ship
- supernumeraries
- supplement of longitude
- support a friend, to
- supporters
- sura
- surdiny
- sure
- sures
- surf
- surface current
- surf-boat
- surge
- surge ho!
- surgeon
- surge the capstan, to
- suringer
- surmarks
- surrogates
- survey
- surveying vessels
- surveyors at lloyd's
- surveyors of the navy
- suspension of arms
- sutiles
- sutler
- swab
- swabber
- swab-rope
- swab-washer
- swab-wringers
- swadkin
- swad
- swaddie
- swagg, to
- swake
- swallow
- swallow's tail
- swallow-tails
- swamp
- swape
- swart-back
- swarts
- swash
- swashway
- swathe
- sway, to
- sway up, to
- swearing
- sweating the purser
- sweep
- sweeping
- sweep of the tiller
- sweep-piece
- sweeps
- sweetening cock
- swelchie
- swell
- swift
- swifter
- swifters
- swifting a ship
- swig off, to
- swilker, to
- swill
- swim, to
- swims
- swine-fish
- swine's feather