A crack running obliquely through any part of a mast or yard, which renders it unsafe to carry the usual sail thereon, and the spar is then said to be sprung. Also, a hawser laid out to some fixed object to slue a vessel proceeding to sea. (See warp.)
♦ To spring. To split or break.
♦ To spring a butt. To start the end of a plank on the outside of a ship's bottom. (See butt.)
♦ To spring a leak, is when a vessel is suddenly discovered to leak.
♦ To spring the luff, easing the helm down to receive a breeze; to bring a vessel's head closer to the wind in sailing. Thus a vessel coming up sharply to the wind under full way shoots, and may run much to windward of her course, until met by a contrary helm.
♦ To spring a mine. To fire its charge.