stationary points

The Sailor's Word-Book

Those points in a planet's orbit in which, as viewed from the earth, it appears to have no motion amongst the stars.

Related Words

  • Stationary

    ·adj Not moving; not appearing to move; stable; fixed. II. Stationary ·adj Not improving or getting...

    Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

  • points

    See reef-points. ♦ Armed at all points, is when a man is defended by armour cap-à-pie. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • cardinal points

    The general name by which the north, east, south, and west rhumbs of the horizon are distinguished. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • equinoctial points

    See ecliptic. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • reef-points

    Small flat pieces of plaited cordage or soft rope, tapering from the middle towards each end, whose ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • solstitial points

    The two points where the tropics meet the ecliptic, in longitude 90° and 270°. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • points of service

    The principal details of duty, which ought to be executed with zeal and alacrity. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • good-at-all-points

    Practical in every particular. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • cardinal points of the ecliptic

    The equinoctial and solstitial points; namely, the commencement of Aries and Libra, and of Cancer an...

    The Sailor's Word-Book