
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The invasion, approach, or commencement of a disease; a fit or paroxysm.

II. Accession ·noun A coming to; the act of acceding and becoming joined; as, a king's accession to a confederacy.

III. Accession ·noun The act by which one power becomes party to engagements already in force between other powers.

IV. Accession ·noun Increase by something added; that which is added; augmentation from without; as, an accession of wealth or territory.

V. Accession ·noun The act of coming to or reaching a throne, an office, or dignity; as, the accession of the house of Stuart;

— applied especially to the epoch of a new dynasty.

VI. Accession ·noun A mode of acquiring property, by which the owner of a corporeal substance which receives an addition by growth, or by labor, has a right to the part or thing added, or the improvement (provided the thing is not changed into a different species). Thus, the owner of a cow becomes the owner of her calf.