
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·adv In good part; kindly.

II. Agree ·vi To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.

III. Agree ·vt To make harmonious; to reconcile or make friends.

IV. Agree ·vi To suit or be adapted in its effects; to do well; as, the same food does not agree with every constitution.

V. Agree ·vi To yield assent; to Accede;

— followed by to; as, to agree to an offer, or to opinion.

VI. Agree ·vt To admit, or come to one mind concerning; to Settle; to Arrange; as, to agree the fact; to agree differences.

VII. Agree ·vi To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price; to exchange promises; to come to terms or to a common resolve; to Promise.

VIII. Agree ·vi To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or concord; to be or become united or consistent; to Concur; as, all parties agree in the expediency of the law.

IX. Agree ·vi To be conformable; to Resemble; to Coincide; to Correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original; the two scales agree exactly.