
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To form a metallic compound.

II. Alloy ·vt A baser metal mixed with a finer.

III. Alloy ·vt To mix, as metals, so as to form a compound.

IV. Alloy ·vt The quality, or comparative purity, of gold or silver; fineness.

V. Alloy ·vt Admixture of anything which lessens the value or detracts from; as, no happiness is without alloy.

VI. Alloy ·vt To abate, impair, or debase by mixture; to Allay; as, to alloy pleasure with misfortunes.

VII. Alloy ·vt To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable substance; as, to alloy gold with silver or copper, or silver with copper.

VIII. Alloy ·vt Any combination or compound of metals fused together; a mixture of metals; for example, brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. But when mercury is one of the metals, the compound is called an Amalgam.

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