
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt Any seizure by power, physical or moral.

II. Arrest ·vi To Tarry; to Rest.

III. Arrest ·vt A scurfiness of the back part of the hind leg of a horse;

— also named rat-tails.

IV. Arrest ·vt To rest or fasten; to Fix; to Concentrate.

V. Arrest ·vt To take, seize, or apprehend by authority of law; as, to arrest one for debt, or for a crime.

VI. Arrest ·vt To seize on and fix; to Hold; to Catch; as, to arrest the eyes or attention.

VII. Arrest ·vt The taking or apprehending of a person by authority of law; legal restraint; custody. Also, a decree, mandate, or warrant.

VIII. Arrest ·vt The act of stopping, or restraining from further motion, ·etc.; stoppage; hindrance; restraint; as, an arrest of development.

IX. Arrest ·vt To Stop; to check or hinder the motion or action of; as, to arrest the current of a river; to arrest the senses.

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