
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The state of being jointed; connection of parts.

II. Articulation ·noun One of the nodes or joints, as in cane and maize.

III. Articulation ·noun A joint or juncture between bones in the skeleton.

IV. Articulation ·noun The connection of the parts of a plant by joints, as in pods.

V. Articulation ·noun The act of putting together with a joint or joints; any meeting of parts in a joint.

VI. Articulation ·noun A sound made by the vocal organs; an articulate utterance or an elementary sound, ·esp. a consonant.

VII. Articulation ·noun The utterance of the elementary sounds of a language by the appropriate movements of the organs, as in pronunciation; as, a distinct articulation.

VIII. Articulation ·noun One of the parts intercepted between the joints; also, a subdivision into parts at regular or irregular intervals as a result of serial intermission in growth, as in the cane, grasses, ·etc.