
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun To make an assault upon, as by a sudden rush of armed men; to attack with unlawful or insulting physical violence or menaces.

II. Assault ·noun A violent onset or attack with moral weapons, as words, arguments, appeals, and the like; as, to make an assault on the prerogatives of a prince, or on the constitution of a government.

III. Assault ·noun A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, ·etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town.

IV. Assault ·noun To attack with moral means, or with a view of producing moral effects; to attack by words, arguments, or unfriendly measures; to Assail; as, to assault a reputation or an Administration.

V. Assault ·noun An apparently violent attempt, or willful offer with force or violence, to do hurt to another; an attempt or offer to beat another, accompanied by a degree of violence, but without touching his person, as by lifting the fist, or a cane, in a threatening manner, or by striking at him, and missing him. If the blow aimed takes effect, it is a battery.

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