
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt & ·vi ·see Avale, v.

II. Avail ·noun Proceeds; as, the avails of a sale by auction.

III. Avail ·vt To Promote; to Assist.

IV. Avail ·noun Profit; advantage toward success; benefit; value; as, labor, without economy, is of little avail.

V. Avail ·vt To turn to the advantage of; to be of service to; to Profit; to Benefit; to Help; as, artifices will not avail the sinner in the day of judgment.

VI. Avail ·vi To be of use or advantage; to answer the purpose; to have strength, force, or efficacy sufficient to accomplish the object; as, the plea in bar must avail, that is, be sufficient to defeat the suit; this scheme will not avail; medicines will not avail to check the disease.