
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun One who bets or lays a wager.

II. Better (·comp) More correctly or thoroughly.

III. Better ·adj Greater in amount; larger; more.

IV. Better ·vi To become better; to Improve.

V. Better ·adj To improve or ameliorate; to increase the good qualities of.

VI. Better ·adj Improved in health; less affected with disease; as, the patient is better.

VII. Better (·comp) In a higher or greater degree; more; as, to love one better than another.

VIII. Better (·comp) More, in reference to value, distance, time, ·etc.; as, ten miles and better.

IX. Better ·adj To give advantage to; to Support; to advance the interest of.

X. Better ·adj To improve the condition of, morally, physically, financially, socially, or otherwise.

XI. Better ·adj To surpass in excellence; to Exceed; to Excel.

XII. Better ·adj More advanced; more perfect; as, upon better acquaintance; a better knowledge of the subject.

XIII. Better ·adj Preferable in regard to rank, value, use, fitness, acceptableness, safety, or in any other respect.

XIV. Better ·noun One who has a claim to precedence; a superior, as in merit, social standing, ·etc.;

— usually in the plural.

XV. Better ·noun Advantage, superiority, or victory;

— usually with of; as, to get the better of an Enemy.

XVI. Better ·adj Having good qualities in a greater degree than another; as, a better man; a better physician; a better house; a better air.

XVII. Better (·comp) In a superior or more excellent manner; with more skill and wisdom, courage, virtue, advantage, or success; as, Henry writes better than John; veterans fight better than recruits.

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