
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun A halting place.

II. Blind ·adj Undiscerning; undiscriminating; inconsiderate.

III. Blind ·noun ·Alt. of Blinde.

IV. Blind ·noun A blindage. ·see Blindage.

V. Blind ·adj Involved; intricate; not easily followed or traced.

VI. Blind ·vt To make blind; to deprive of sight or discernment.

VII. Blind ·adj Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit; as, blind buds; blind flowers.

VIII. Blind ·adj Destitute of the sense of seeing, either by natural defect or by deprivation; without sight.

IX. Blind ·adj Unintelligible, or not easily intelligible; as, a blind passage in a book; illegible; as, blind writing.

X. Blind ·noun Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.

XI. Blind ·vt To deprive partially of vision; to make vision difficult for and painful to; to Dazzle.

XII. Blind ·adj Having no openings for light or passage; as, a blind wall; open only at one end; as, a blind alley; a blind gut.

XIII. Blind ·noun Something to hinder sight or keep out light; a screen; a cover; ·esp. a hinged screen or shutter for a window; a blinder for a horse.

XIV. Blind ·vt To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel; as a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled.

XV. Blind ·vt To Darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to Conceal; to Deceive.

XVI. Blind ·adj Not having the faculty of discernment; destitute of intellectual light; unable or unwilling to understand or judge; as, authors are blind to their own defects.

XVII. Blind ·adj Having such a state or condition as a thing would have to a person who is blind; not well marked or easily discernible; hidden; unseen; concealed; as, a blind path; a blind ditch.