
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The fleshy nature of man.

II. Blood ·vt To Bleed.

III. Blood ·vt To stain, smear or wet, with blood.

IV. Blood ·noun A bloodthirsty or murderous disposition.

V. Blood ·noun The juice of anything, especially if red.

VI. Blood ·vt To heat the blood of; to Exasperate.

VII. Blood ·noun A man of fire or spirit; a fiery spark; a gay, showy man; a rake.

VIII. Blood ·noun Relationship by descent from a common ancestor; consanguinity; kinship.

IX. Blood ·noun Descent from parents of recognized breed; excellence or purity of breed.

X. Blood ·noun Descent; lineage; especially, honorable birth; the highest royal lineage.

XI. Blood ·noun The shedding of blood; the taking of life, murder; manslaughter; destruction.

XII. Blood ·vt To give (hounds or soldiers) a first taste or sight of blood, as in hunting or war.

XIII. Blood ·noun Temper of mind; disposition; state of the passions;

— as if the blood were the seat of emotions.

XIV. Blood ·noun The fluid which circulates in the principal vascular system of animals, carrying nourishment to all parts of the body, and bringing away waste products to be excreted. ·see under Arterial.