
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun Inclination; desire.

II. Bosom ·adj Of or pertaining to the bosom.

III. Bosom ·noun A depression round the eye of a millstone.

IV. Bosom ·noun Embrace; loving or affectionate inclosure; fold.

V. Bosom ·adj Intimate; confidential; familiar; trusted; cherished; beloved; as, a bosom friend.

VI. Bosom ·vt To Conceal; to hide from view; to Embosom.

VII. Bosom ·vt To inclose or carry in the bosom; to keep with care; to take to heart; to Cherish.

VIII. Bosom ·noun The breast of a human being; the part, between the arms, to which anything is pressed when embraced by them.

IX. Bosom ·noun Any thing or place resembling the breast; a supporting surface; an inner recess; the interior; as, the bosom of the earth.

X. Bosom ·noun The breast, considered as the seat of the passions, affections, and operations of the mind; consciousness; secret thoughts.

XI. Bosom ·noun The part of the dress worn upon the breast; an article, or a portion of an article, of dress to be worn upon the breast; as, the bosom of a shirt; a linen bosom.