
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun A large boom or spar, which projects over the stem of a ship or other vessel, to carry sail forward.

Related Words

  • bowsprit

    The nose, from its being the most projecting part of the human face, as the bowsprit is of a ship. ...

    Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose

  • bowsprit

    , or bolt-sprit A large spar, ranking with a lower-mast, projecting over the stem; beyond it exten...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit, running

    In cutter-rigged vessels. (See cutter.) ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-bitts

    Are strong upright timbers secured to the beams below the deck; they have a cross-piece bolted to th...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-cap

    The crance or cap on the outer end of the bowsprit, through which the jib-boom traverses. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-gear

    A term denoting the ropes, blocks, &c., belonging to the bowsprit. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-heart

    The heart or block of wood used to secure the lower end of the fore-stay, through which the inner en...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-horses

    The ridge-ropes which extend from the bowsprit-cap to the knight-heads. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-ladder

    Skids over the bowsprit from the beak-head in some ships, to enable men to run out upon the bowsprit...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-netting

    The netting placed just above a vessel's bowsprit, for stowing away the fore-topmast staysail; it is...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • bowsprit-shrouds

    Strong ropes or chains leading from nearly the outer end of the bowsprit to the luff of the bow, giv...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • running bowsprit

    One which is used in revenue cutters and smacks; it can be reefed by sliding in, and has fid holes f...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • standing bowsprit

    One that is fixed permanently in its place, not the running-in bowsprit of a cutter. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • butt-slinging a bowsprit

    See slings. ...

    The Sailor's Word-Book

  • screw-gammoning for the bowsprit

    A chain or plate fastened by a screw, to secure a vessel's bowsprit to the stem-head, allowing for t...

    The Sailor's Word-Book