
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vi To swell out; as, the sail bunts.

II. Bunt ·add. ·noun A push or shove; a butt;.

III. Bunt ·add. ·noun the act of bunting the ball.

IV. Bunt ·noun The middle part, cavity, or belly of a sail; the part of a furled sail which is at the center of the yard.

V. Bunt ·vt & ·vi To strike or push with the horns or head; to Butt; as, the ram bunted the boy.

VI. Bunt ·noun A fungus (Ustilago foetida) which affects the ear of cereals, filling the grains with a fetid dust;

— also called pepperbrand.

VII. Bunt ·add. ·vt & ·vi To bat or tap (the ball) slowly within the infield by meeting it with the bat without swinging at it.