
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt & ·vi To Go; to direct one's course.

II. Busk ·noun A thin, elastic strip of metal, whalebone, wood, or other material, worn in the front of a corset.

III. Busk ·vt & ·vi To Prepare; to make ready; to Array; to Dress.

IV. Busk ·add. ·noun Among the Creek Indians, a feast of first fruits celebrated when the corn is ripe enough to be eaten. The feast usually continues four days. On the first day the new fire is lighted, by friction of wood, and distributed to the various households, an offering of green corn, including an ear brought from each of the four quarters or directions, is consumed, and medicine is brewed from snakeroot. On the second and third days the men physic with the medicine, the women bathe, the two sexes are taboo to one another, and all fast. On the fourth day there are feasting, dancing, and games.

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