
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·noun The striking of a clock.

II. Clock ·noun A watch, ·esp. one that strikes.

III. Clock ·vt To ornament with figured work, as the side of a stocking.

IV. Clock ·noun A figure or figured work on the ankle or side of a stocking.

V. Clock ·vt & ·vi To call, as a hen. ·see Cluck.

VI. Clock ·noun A large beetle, ·esp. the European dung beetle (Scarabaeus stercorarius).

VII. Clock ·noun A machine for measuring time, indicating the hour and other divisions by means of hands moving on a dial plate. Its works are moved by a weight or a spring, and it is often so constructed as to tell the hour by the stroke of a hammer on a bell. It is not adapted, like the watch, to be carried on the person.