
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language

·vt To acknowledge faith in; to profess belief in.

II. Confess ·vt To hear or receive such confession;

— said of a priest.

III. Confess ·vi To make confession; to disclose sins or faults, or the state of the conscience.

IV. Confess ·vt To admit as true; to assent to; to acknowledge, as after a previous doubt, denial, or concealment.

V. Confess ·vi To Acknowledge; to Admit; to Concede.

VI. Confess ·vt To disclose or reveal, as an effect discloses its cause; to Prove; to Attest.

VII. Confess ·vt To make acknowledgment or avowal in a matter pertaining to one's self; to acknowledge, own, or admit, as a crime, a fault, a debt.

VIII. Confess ·vt To make known or acknowledge, as one's sins to a priest, in order to receive absolution;

— sometimes followed by the reflexive pronoun.